Precise immune-profiling to validate and develop your immune-related disease therapeutics.
Ask our experts- Robust cytomics and proteomics technologies.
- Refined preclinical disease models.
- Standardized workflows and continuous innovation process.
- Integrative data analysis at high resolution.
The identification of the major cellular players involved in immune-related diseases (inflammation, auto-immune diseases, cancer, infection diseases) is a one of the key steps for the understanding of mechanism of action of immuno-modulatory therapies in normal and pathological conditions.
However, getting a comprehensive understanding of the immune responses through a complex interactive network of many different immune cells and molecules is a rather challenging task.
To cope with the continuously evolving complexity of the tumor microenvironment, it is necessary to use an experimental approach capable of characterizing the heterogeneity of the cell types present in the tumor, the evolution of their relative proportion and their functional specificity. This integrated analysis should lead to the identification of new cellular biomarkers at different stages of cancer progression in order to improve cancer diagnosis and to identify new targets for therapeutic treatments in specific time windows.
At JC Discovery®, we have expertised and integrated toolbox to allow deep immunoprofiling using mice, rats and refined preclinical humanized mouse models that are best adapted to your drug development.
Immunoprofiling is a valuable method for evaluating the immune responses in your preclinical models, during inflammatory or tumor challenge.
JC Discovery® experts can help you providings insights into the effects of your therapeutic compounds. They can characterize in a precise manner the immune responses in your model and decipher the mode of action of your drug candidate by studying immune cell population heterogeneity and dynamics.
JC Discovery® offers up to 32 standardized panels designed rationally that can be applied for a generic screening of all immune cells to a more specialized way of immuno-profiling. Using standardized panels and analytics, JC Discovery® provides results that are reproducible over time and therefore comparable between several studies.
To offer an initial assessment, JC Discovery® proposes immunoprofiling panels mapping the major lymphoid and myeloid cell populations in spleen/lymph nodes, blood, mucosa and tumor microenvironment of the mouse. These panels are useful to identify the major cell subsets that are affected by a genetic mutation. These panels can be partly customized by addition of one of your biomarker of interest.
For a secondary screening, JC Discovery® proposes specialized immune-profiling panels focused on a cell type or a given organ. These panels are used to map in great depth specific cell types or immune cells in given organ.
JC Discovery® also proposes combinatorial panels for immunoprofiling in a discovery mode. Combinatorial panels are used to profile a combination of surface markers in a given cell subset. They allow to accommodate 7 to 11 additional markers of choice and provide a more exploratory analysis looking for unexpected pattern of surface molecules on major cell lineages as a result of subjected genetic engineering.
With the aim to evaluate the efficacy and decipher the mechanism of action of your therapeutic candidate, JC Discovery® provides you with cost and time-effective assays in multiple preclinical disease models to generate experimental data helping you to derisk drug development.
By leveraging the insights obtained regarding the mode of action of your drug on the immune response at an early stage, you can enhance the design of future clinical trials to be more robust and precise.
For your pre-clinical work, JC Discovery® proposes phenotyping readouts on several organs and large cohorts of animals per study.
With up to 8 experimental groups, 6 individuals per group, JC Discovery® is able to test several doses of a drug and several therapeutic arms for combinatorial pharmacology. Owing multiple devices and in-house developed and validated protocols for semi-automated cell extraction and cell enrichment, JC Discovery® is able to process up to 48 samples in one experiment.
From lymphoid organs to tissues, JC Discovery® characterizes the immune system in depth. To beneficiate from the full standardized analytical pipeline, best is to send us your SOPF mice and let us run your experimental models. If you would like to access the immunoprofiling service on your proprietary experimental pipelines, we can either receive and process fresh organs* listed below or provide you with a staining and stabilization kit to be directly used on your extracted cells restricted to our list of sample type*.
*According to our recommendations
Every single measure acquired of a phenotyping project is aggregated into one table along with metadata of each individual (gender, age, treatment type, dose).
Clinical readouts such as tumor growth or clinical scores are integrated with endpoint phenotyping readouts in order to ease statistical analysis and identification of cellular correlates. As data acquisition and outputs are standardized, we can merge datasets from several experiments run at JC Discovery® and compare results across studies. The phenotyping resource is provided to our partner in an intuitive and interactive manner using tableau suite of software.
Analysis of multi-group multivariate datasets could be a lengthy/tedious process, impeding the ability to drawmeaningful conclusions.
Using OPLS-DA analysis, we focus our comparison on the most important ones and identify variables that are correlated with a given clinical group.
With our expertise of the immune system and its operation under challenge, we can propose biological rational for the phenotypic signatures we observe with your therapeutics.
Partner with us to select the most appropriate tumor mouse model to test your individual drug candidates and decipher your biological questions.
Each of our syngeneic models have been profiled by mass cytometry and challenged with a-PD1 therapy to have a complete view of tumor microenvironment remodeling.
Thanks to our extensive characterization of these tumor models, JC Discovery® can guide your choice on the best syngeneic tumor to use to reveal the efficacy of your compounds on your target cell population.s.
Identify your drug candidate targets using human primary T lymphocytes combined with interatomics technology.
Fast colony expansion and preservation for your preclinical trials.
Your models delivered directly to your facilities with dedicated transport.
Which type of phenotypic analyzes are used to characterize my model?
The model characterization is driven with an unmet platform including a wide suit of flow cytometers and mass spectrometers to lead robust cytomics and proteomics projects. We are offering more than 200 quantitative parameters allowing deep immunophenotyping.
What types of experimentation can you perform on the characterized models?
Our field of expertise includes immunology, immuno-oncology (various tumour indications and types), inflammation (skin, intestine, peritoneum, etc.), autoimmune and infectious diseases. We offer extensive experimental disease preclinical models which are functionally fully characterized. They are valuable resources for testing novel drug candidates and their mechanism of action. At JC Discovery®, we build a customized program to reach your research objectives.
How many samples can you process at the same time in a standardized manner?
At JC Discovery®, we can process 48 samples at the same time, i.e. up to 8 experimental groups consisting of 6 mice. We offer comparative analysis in normal and pathological conditions (tumor, inflammation, infection, auto-immunity) with efficacy therapeutic dose analysis.
Are sample preparation, labeling and analysis protocols standardized?
At JC Discovery®, we have developed standardized workflow to be able to compare results over time and experiment across multiple studies.
The standardization covers all process from sample preparation to data analysis. We have various types of advanced data analyzes such as supervised, unsupervised, integrated, combinatorial and multivariate analysis.
On which organs can the analyzes be carried out?
Lymphoid organs and tissues such as spleen, lymph nodes, thymus, bone marrow, blood, skin, liver, lung, pancreas, intestine/colon, kidney, brain, and tumors are analyzed. In case you wish to include a tissue which is not listed above, it is possible to consider an R&D program to develop corresponding to your needs.